Two Upcoming Delegations to Honduras!

 HSN and Member groups’ delegations to Honduras to accompany the resistance movement and human rights defenders. 


 Cross Border Network for Justice and Solidarity, May 22nd to 31st, 2015 & INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF THE DISAPPEARED, HONDURAS !PRESENTE! 2015 May 23-June 1, 2015,  La Voz de los de Abajo. 

More information below.

Sponsored by Cross Border Network for Justice and Solidarity
May 22nd to 31st, 2015.
What happens when you take out all the stops of democracy and economic sovereignty and give free rein to militarists and global corporations? Since the 2009 coup, the Honduran government, backed by the U.S. the IMF and other International Financial Institutions, has become a laboratory for ruthless neoliberal experimentation. The government’s Model Cities program is carving off chunks of territory to surrender to foreign corporations. Against the odds, Hondurans are resisting. Join The Cross Border Network for a ten day delegation focusing on their resistance, examining the impact of these policies and investigating who’s behind them. This delegation will be lead by Karen Spring of the Honduras Solidarity  Network. Delegation dates are May 22nd to 31st. Cost is $950 (does not  include international travel). For more information, please contact CBN Coordinator, Melissa Stiehler at (816)308-2687 or

For a flyer go to

International Week of the Disappeared in Honduras 2015
May 23-June 1, 2015
Join La Voz de los de Abajo in Honduras for the International Week of the Disappeared (Semana Internacional de los Desaparecidos) May 24 – June 1 2015.  Forced disappearances by death squads and security forces are a global problem that has reappeared  in Honduras since the June 2009 coup that created a human rights crises including a new wave of forced disappearances that rivals the situation in the 1980’s. Our delegation will participate in activities with the Committee of the Disappeared Detainees in Honduras (COFADEH) and other human rights defenders  in commemoration of the disappeared both past and present.  This year’s week to commemorate the disappeared occurs as we see the number of desparecidos and desaparecidas increasing alarmingly in Central America and in Mexico; there is an urgent need to understand what is happening and to build solidarity and resistance together across borders.   The delegation will visit communities and organizations in Honduras in the countryside and cities that are a part of the resistance and social justice movement.  We will participate in activities for the International Week of the Disappeared in the Tegucigalpa area including participating in  traveling the Path of Memory (Ruta de la Memoria) that includes locales that in the 1980’s housed clandestine  cemeteries and  detention and torture centers and a day of presentations, discussion and sharing in  COFADEH’s Hogar en contra el Olvido (House against Forgetting/Oblivion) outside of Tegucigalpa .
Delegation fee: $950 this covers in-country transportation, at least 2 meals a day, hotel and other lodging, spanish/english interpretation and logistics. It does not cover airfare into and out of Honduras.  
For more information:

