Denuncian Agresiones e Intimidaciones contra observadores de CESPAD en La Ceiba y la Colonia Mayangle (ESPANOL)

Miembros de la Plataforma Ciudadana de Jóvenes del Centro de Estudio para la Democracia –CESPAD- denuncian  agresiones e intimidaciones de que son objeto por parte de activistas del partido nacional, quienes han pretendido manipular las mesas electorales en los lugares donde están haciendo observación electoral.
La primera denuncia la realizó Carlos Matute, quien informó que en el centro de educación pre-escolar Clara Bartón, de la ciudad de La Ceiba, algunos activistas reconocidos del partido nacional  se acercaron a los observadores diciéndole: “Saben dónde están parados. Ni sabés en que zona estás. Yo que ustedes lo pensarían dos veces al estar aquí”.
Esa frase fue emitida a Carlos Matute, observador oficialmente acreditado por el CESPAD, ante el Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones –TSE-, quien además agregó, “mientras nos decía eso, el ex aspirante a la municipalidad de La Ceiba, por el movimiento de Miguel Pastor, siempre del partido Nacional, tenía su mano en mi hombro, apretándolo  muy fuertemente”.

Matute explicó que la intimidación de debió a que en horas de la mañana, trascendió la denuncia de que en ese centro de votación una de las urnas tenía en su interior unos cien votos marcados. Las y los observadores se apresuraron a denunciar lo que estaba ocurriendo, mientras las urnas en cuestión fueron decomisadas. Esa situación incomodó sobremanera a los denunciados, quienes exteriorizaron después, frases intimidatorias en contra de quienes observan el desarrollo de las elecciones.

En Tegucigalpa, intimidan  observadores en la colonia Mayangle
En el instituto Renacimiento, uno de los centros de votación ubicados en la colonia Mayangle, de Tegucigalpa, Cintya Raquel Fiallos Palencia, una de las observadoras del CESPAD, denuncia la intimidación constante que le están profiriendo miembros del partido nacional que están ubicados en una carpa desde la cual, están proveyendo alimentación a todos los miembros de la mesa electoral de ese centro.
“Nos están señalando y cuestionando nuestra presencia aquí. Es un acto de intimidación que no debería ocurrir particularmente cuando se trata de transparentar estas elecciones”, dijo Fiallos, quien es parte de los observadores no oficiales que forman parte de la Plataforma Ciudadana del CESPAD, y quien aunque tiene restricciones legales para observar, puede hacerlo a cierta distancia.
“Aun así, quieren que nos vayamos y que dejemos sólo todo el perímetro; hasta fotos me están tomando”, agregó Fiallos, quien dijo sentirse atemorizada por el constante señalamiento y exhortación a que se vaya de ese centro de votación.

Update from La Kennedy neighbourhood in Tegucigalpa

Escuela Pedro Nufio (Neighbourhood La Kennedy)

At 6:30 the electoral kits had not arrived to the school. None of the polling stations were ready, but the members were there.

At 8:30 we came back. There was a person complaining because his polling station (MER 09055) the members of the polling station were not wearing the badges. They then put then on.
At the same polling station a guy complained about an observer with a vest identifying himself as member of the FEDERACIÓN Luterana Mundial was telling the members of the polling station how to do things. He did not had a badge. We asked him and he said the federation did not have time to give badges to all of them. He was with 2 more people.

The of the polling stations at the school were doing fine.

There were some mitlitary members (green) and some national police members (blue).

Outside there was a tent of Partido Nacional.

Escuela Roberto Sosa (Neighbourhood La Kennedy)

All the polling stations were open on time but one (MER 09060). That one apparently the representatives did not show up, so the replacements took over but they were inexperienced. The first person that voted did to wrong because they did not stamp her vote before being deposited in the box.

Military members outside.



Update from the HSN team in Gracias, Lempira: Voting is slow

HSN team in Gracias reports that they have visited 5 voting centres in Gracias and in small, poor communities outside of Gracias.

There are long lines at the voting centres and the team leaders mentioned that he “doesn’t see how they can get all the voters through before 4:00 pm.” Approximately 350 people vote per table and it is taking at least 1 minute or more for people to cast their votes.

Overall, they report a positive mood at the tables and in the voting centres. The members of MER (Voting tables) are upbeat.


Observers report irregularities and a “chaotic environment” in a Tegucigalpa voting center

Election observers reported several irregularities in the Jesus Aguilar Paz Institute in the San Francisco neighborhood of Tegucigalpa this morning.

This voting center has 4 voting tables. At one of the tables, the custodian (the person who manages the table) did not arrive at the table in order to receive the ballot boxes. A high-level official ordered the military officials who were present to distribute the boxes to this table – thus the military officials assumed the role of custodian.

At another table, the military officials present stated that the ID card presented by the person who was to assume the role of president of the table did not coincide with the registry. The second representative (vocal 2) assumed the role of president. This occurred at table 8333.

Observers also reported that two people who came to vote presented ID cards of individuals who were registered as deceased. The name of  one of these individuals is on file.

Observers reported a “chaotic atmosphere” at the polling station.



Update from a National Lawyers Guild Team in Tegucigalpa

From the National Lawyer’s Guild in Tegucigalpa:

Neighbourhood: El Reparto [Escuela Republica de Chile]

The team arrived to the voting station at 5:45 am. There was a chaotic scene outside with approximately 250 people trying to get through the main door. There were 3-4 military soldiers and 1 police at the center.

At the voting center, there are 26 voting tables receiving a total of 9,353 votes
There are two lines of people waiting to vote. Each line is taking approximately 2 hours to get to the voting tables. People are frustrated about the long wait.

The location of the voting center is a small school that is like a labyrinth. Its very difficult to access and find the rooms where the voting is taking place. The scene is very hectic.


Observer Notes National Party Activist Handing Money to People at Quimistan Vote Center (CORRECTED))

At approximately 9:00 AM this morning, elections monitors observed an elected Deputy from National Party handing out 100 Lempira bills to voters entering at the Boogran School, in the Quimistan sector of Santa Barbara. Sources tell the monitoring team that this individual has a history of entering voting centers during vote counts and distributing money to poll workers to influence the final count. The HSN monitoring team has the name of this individual on file, should further investigation be necessary.

Photos forthcoming.


UPDATE #1: Murdered activists in Cantarranas

Two members of the Carbon Cooperative,  affiliated with the National Council of Rural Workers (CNTC),  were killed last night as they returned from an election training, as both victims had official electoral duties for today’s election. They were ambushed by masked gunmen with high caliper weapons as they returned home on foot. They died immediately from the shootings.

The incident occurred between 7:30 and 8:00 pm, in the community of Carbon, in the Cantarranas Municipality. Maria Amparo Pineda Duarte was the elected President of the Cooperative. Julio Ramon Maradiaga was an active member. The community is the site of an ongoing land struggle in the area, and both victims were active members in the LIBRE party.


Military Presence at Radio Globo

radioglobo_militarizationReporters at Radio Globo are commenting live on the air (at the time of this post) that the military has established a presence at the site of the station’s transmitter in Cerro de Canto Gallo. Radio Globo is one of the strongest voices on the airwaves. The broadcast on via TV and radio. The original denouncement published by the station is published below…

The announcer is quoted: “We have not requested this [military] presence. They want to use this to pressure us and shut us up, but Radio Globo will be on the air, whatever it takes…”

HSN Note: Radio Globo was one of the few media outlets to refuse to sign the “Media Pact,” in which major media outlets essentially gave up their right to contradict government pronouncements on the election.

For Spanish speakers, take an opportunity to listen live:

Radio Globo denuncia en este momento, al filo de las 6:20 am, que autoridades militares llegaron desde anoche al Cerro de Canta Gallo, donde se instalan los equipos de transmisión de señales de radio Globo y Canal 11, medios que no se sometieron a la mordaza mediática que el TSE pretende imponer en el país

Desde anoche los militares se han tomado las instalaciones donde se ubican las antenas de transmisión de Radio Globo, Globo TV y Canal 11. No podemos callar frente a este nuevo atropello de las Fuerzas Armadas de Honduras.

Un triste recordatorio de como el 28 de junio de 2009 los militares asaltaron las instalaciones, lanzaron ácido, rompieron cables y portones para dejar a Radio Globo fuera del aire.

Este es un nuevo atentado contra la libertad de expresión y una amenaza contra la vida. Se pidieron explicaciones a los voceros militares pero nadie se responsabilizó de semejante abuso.

Pedimos al Presidente que intervenga, llame al jefe de las FFAAH a que explique porqué la militarización de las antenas de radio y televisión ubicadas al oriente de la capital.

[English translation of Radio Globo’s statement]

Radio Globo denounces, that at this time, approxmiately 6:20am, military authorities arrived, since last night, at the antennas of transmission for Radio Globo and Channel 11 , stations which did not submit to the gag order that the TSE (Honduran Supreme Electoral Tribunal) aims to impose on the country.

Since last night the military have occupied the facilities where the antennas are of transmission of Radio Globo, Globo TV and Channel 11. We can not remain silent against this new attack of the armed forces of Honduras.

A sad reminder of how on June 28, 2009 the military raided facilities, they threw acid, smashed cables and gates to take Radio Globo out of the air.

This is a new attack on freedom of expression and a threat to life. Requests for explanation were made to military spokesmen, but nobody has taken responsibility for the abuse.

We call on the President to intervene, call the head of the FFAAH to explain the radio and television antennas located to the East of the capital have been militarized.
