Honduras Solidarity Network at the US Social Forum

Join us at the San Jose and Philadelphia Social Forums  June 25-June 28, 2015

young boy solidarity sign, NYC

Look for the HSN table at both sites, sign our petitions  and participate in the HSN workshop and in workshops organized by some of our member organizations.natcongress


Honduras: Last Gasp for Neoliberalism? Sponsored by D19 and Honduras Solidarity Network. Saturday June 27,  5pm @ Student Center 217 B

Empire of Prisons: How the United States is Spreading Mass Incarceration around the World. Sponsored by Alliance for Global Justice. Friday June 26, 10:30am @ Temple U., Mitten Hall Room 250. (1913 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 ).

Militarization, Terror and Resistance from the US to Central America. Sponsored by La Voz de los de Abajo. Friday June 26,  8:30am @ Temple U, Student Center 217 B

Resisting the Drug War Across the Americas sponsored by School of the Americas Watch. Saturday June 27,  at 9 am @ Temple U, the Student Center Cinema

San Jose 

Honduras: Last Gasp for Neoliberalism? Sponsored by Honduras Solidarity Network and D19. Thursday, June 25,  1pm @East Carnegie Library, 1102 E Santa Clara St.

US Militarism in Latin America: The Need for Left Unity. Sponsored by Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition (BALASC). Friday June 26,  6pm @ Unitarian Sanctuary, 160 N. 3rd St.

Cuba, Venezuela and U.S. relations. Sponsored by Task Force on the Americas. Saturday, June 27,
8:30am @ 405 S. 10th St.

For more information check out:

US Social Forum Website https://www.ussocialforum.net/

Alliance for Global Justice  https://afgj.org/join-afgj-at-the-us-social-forum-this-june 

SOA Watch https://soaw.org

