Two Upcoming Delegations to Honduras!

 HSN and Member groups’ delegations to Honduras to accompany the resistance movement and human rights defenders. 


 Cross Border Network for Justice and Solidarity, May 22nd to 31st, 2015 & INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF THE DISAPPEARED, HONDURAS !PRESENTE! 2015 May 23-June 1, 2015,  La Voz de los de Abajo. 

More information below.

Sponsored by Cross Border Network for Justice and Solidarity
May 22nd to 31st, 2015.
What happens when you take out all the stops of democracy and economic sovereignty and give free rein to militarists and global corporations? Since the 2009 coup, the Honduran government, backed by the U.S. the IMF and other International Financial Institutions, has become a laboratory for ruthless neoliberal experimentation. The government’s Model Cities program is carving off chunks of territory to surrender to foreign corporations. Against the odds, Hondurans are resisting. Join The Cross Border Network for a ten day delegation focusing on their resistance, examining the impact of these policies and investigating who’s behind them. This delegation will be lead by Karen Spring of the Honduras Solidarity  Network. Delegation dates are May 22nd to 31st. Cost is $950 (does not  include international travel). For more information, please contact CBN Coordinator, Melissa Stiehler at (816)308-2687 or

For a flyer go to

International Week of the Disappeared in Honduras 2015
May 23-June 1, 2015
Join La Voz de los de Abajo in Honduras for the International Week of the Disappeared (Semana Internacional de los Desaparecidos) May 24 – June 1 2015.  Forced disappearances by death squads and security forces are a global problem that has reappeared  in Honduras since the June 2009 coup that created a human rights crises including a new wave of forced disappearances that rivals the situation in the 1980’s. Our delegation will participate in activities with the Committee of the Disappeared Detainees in Honduras (COFADEH) and other human rights defenders  in commemoration of the disappeared both past and present.  This year’s week to commemorate the disappeared occurs as we see the number of desparecidos and desaparecidas increasing alarmingly in Central America and in Mexico; there is an urgent need to understand what is happening and to build solidarity and resistance together across borders.   The delegation will visit communities and organizations in Honduras in the countryside and cities that are a part of the resistance and social justice movement.  We will participate in activities for the International Week of the Disappeared in the Tegucigalpa area including participating in  traveling the Path of Memory (Ruta de la Memoria) that includes locales that in the 1980’s housed clandestine  cemeteries and  detention and torture centers and a day of presentations, discussion and sharing in  COFADEH’s Hogar en contra el Olvido (House against Forgetting/Oblivion) outside of Tegucigalpa .
Delegation fee: $950 this covers in-country transportation, at least 2 meals a day, hotel and other lodging, spanish/english interpretation and logistics. It does not cover airfare into and out of Honduras.  
For more information:



HSN: Against US Interference in Venezuela

english follows the spanish statement

Declaración de la Red de Solidaridad con Honduras en solidaridad con la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. 

Contra la injerencia de EE.UU en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Red de Solidaridad con Honduras (HSN), D19/FNRP-Partido, LIBRE—EE.UUCanadá

Nosotros ciudadanos de Estados Unidos y Canadá, organizaciones integradas en la Red Nacional de Solidaridad con Honduras, (HSN) e inmigrantes hondureños residentes en EE.UU y Canadá organizados en Colectivos del Partido Libre y el FNRP bajo el nombre Departamento 19.

En conmemoración al segundo aniversario de la desaparición física del presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, condenamos la campaña mediática abierta y encubierta en contra del proceso de cambio social en favor de las mayorías, que el pueblo venezolano con mucho éxito lleva acabo junto a su líder, presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Le recordamos a la actual administración del Presidente Obama, que lasintervenciones de los Estados Unidos en otros países solo han llenado de dolor y luto a los pueblos en proceso de su autoderminación, tal como Iraq, Livia, Palestina, Afganistán, Honduras, etc.

Recordamos y reconocemos, que el gobierno de Venezuela dio comienzo a una iniciativa de gran trascendencia en desarrollo económico sostenible en América Latina, la creación de Petro Caribe y La Alianza Bolivariana de la Américas (ALBA) que dio como fruto que miles de personas de escasos recursos se beneficiaran y se benefician incluso en suelo norteamericano.

Hacemos un llamado al Pueblo de los EEUU, y a todos los pueblos del mundo, amantes de la paz, el respeto a los derechos humanos, la soberanía y autodeterminación de las naciones, a ponerle un alto a las políticas injerencistas del gobierno de EE.UU. A que condenemos todos unidos a la derecha violenta y sanguinaria que busca mediante el terror desestabilizar el gobierno democráticamente electo de Venezuela que con mucho sacrificio trata de encaminar un proyecto en beneficio de las grandes mayorías desposeídas de Venezuela, con un claro propósito de impulsar la unidad de los países latinoamericanos y la solidaridad con los pueblos del mundo.

EE.UU/Canadá—Jueves, 5 de marzo de 2015



Against US intervention in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

The Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN), D19 / FNRP-LIBRE Party-USA-Canada.

We citizens of the United States and Canada, members of the Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) and Honduran immigrants in the US and Canada organized in collectives of LIBRE Party and the FNRP under the name Department 19 declare the following:

In commemoration of the second anniversary of the passing of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, we condemn the overt and covert media campaign against the process of social change in favor of the majority which the Venezuelan people, with much success, leads together with their leader, President Nicolas Maduro.

We remind the current administration of President Obama that US interventions in other countries have only brought pain and grief to the people in processes for self-determination, such as Iraq, Libia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Honduras, etc.

We remember and recognize that the government of Venezuela began an initiative of great importance in sustainable economic development in Latin America through the creation of Petro Caribe and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) which benefited and continue to benefit thousands of poor people even on US soil.

We call on the people of the US, and all peoples of the world, lovers of peace who respect human rights, sovereignty and self-determination of nations, to put a stop to the interventionist policies of the US government and to unite to condemn the violent and bloody right wing that uses terror to destabilize the democratically elected government of Venezuela that with much sacrifice is leading a project to benefit the dispossessed masses of Venezuela, with a clear goal of promoting the unity of Latin America countries and solidarity with the peoples of the world.

USA / Canada. Thursday, March 5, 2015
