HSN member organizations organized actions and participated in Pride Week activities to commemorate 5 years of resistance and violence in Honduras.
San Francisco Bay Area
New York City
June 27, 2014 the Colectivo Honduras USA Resistencia (D19) together with International Action Center (both members of the Honduras Solidarity Network) organized a protest in front of the Honduran Consulate in New York for the 5th anniversary of the coup d’e’tat in Honduras against President Manuel Zelaya Rosales and the Honduran people. From Honduras, Nelson Arambú, a member of the Diversity Movement in Resistence from Honduras participated and presented during the activities.
Este pasado viernes, 27 junio de 2014, el Colectivo Honduras USA Resistencia (D19) junto al Centro de Acción Internacional (Ambos miembros de la RED Nacional de Solidaridad con Honduras) realizamos un plantón frente al Consulado de Honduras en Nueva York, con motivo del quinto aniversario del golpe de Estado en Honduras, perpetrado contra el Presidente Manuel Zelaya Rosales y el pueblo hondureño. Tambien contaron con la participacion de Nelson Arambú del Movimiento de Diversidad en Resistencia quien esta en gira en EEUU.
28 de junio, a cinco años del Golpe de estado en Honduras; Como ya lo hemos venido haciendo en años anteriores, este año nuevamente vestimos de rojo la Placita del municipio de Chelsea, Massachusetts. Contamos con una presencia nutrida de miembros, simpatizantes de libre y representantes de la solidaridad que siempre han caminado con nosotros los resistentes hondureños organizado en los EEUU.
June 28th, 5 years since the coup d’e’tat in Honduras, as we have done in past years, this year we again, covered the Plaza of Chelsea, Massachusetts with red. We had the participation of members of the D19 Colectivo de Libre in Boston,sympathizers of LIBRE and representatives of solidarity groups that have always walked with us – Hondurans resisting, organized in the USA.
Members of the Honduras Solidarity Network ( La Voz de los de Abajo, CRLN, 8th Day Center for Justice) worked to organize a procession/protest in downtown Chicago. We were joined by Gay Liberation Network, Radios Populares, US El Salvador Sister Cities (Cinquera-Chicago), and more solidarity activists.
For an article and more photos: Click Here
Chicago HSN groups also participated in the immigrant rights contingent in the Gay Pride parade and with Gay Liberation Network hosted Nelson Arambú of Honduras’ Diversity Movement in Resistance for a public meeting on July 2.