Two Years of Narco-Dictatorship in Honduras

  • El Español Sigue el Ingles

On January 27, 2018, in the midst of massive protests and violent repression, President Juan Orlando Hernandez (JOH) was inaugurated for an unconstitutional second term after he stole the November 2017 election.  During these two years, the JOH dictatorship has continued to build its neoliberal narco-dictatorship with support from the US and Canadian governments.  

What has this meant for the Honduran people? 

  • more mass caravans of refugees fleeing the country; 
  • more small farmers and indigenous communities displaced;
  • more criminalization/incarceration of those who protest against corruption and impunity; and
  • more journalists, indigenous leaders, human rights and environmental defenders attacked and assassinated. 

The U.S. and Canada have continued business as usual with Honduras while Hernandez and his ruling National Party use the Honduran Congress and courts to perpetuate impunity for crimes committed by government officials and economic oligarchs who benefit from both the drug trade and transnational mega projects like dams.

One month into 2020, and  the Honduran dictatorship has already sent the international anti-corruption body, the Mission to Support the Fight Against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH) packing.  The results of just one of the MACCIH’s investigations in 2019, “Pandora”, revealed that 38 government officials had funneled public funds earmarked for social welfare programs into election campaign coffers. JOH’s brother Tony will soon be sentenced to jail by a US federal court after being convicted of running a large-scale cocaine trafficking operation in Honduras. JOH was named as a co-conspirator in his brother’s trial, along with other high ranking Honduran politicians and government officials, including the Public Prosecutor. The trial also demonstrated the involvement and complicity of U.S.-funded Honduran security forces in protecting drug trafficking routes, yet US support continues. 

While JOH and his cronies continue to loot with impunity, those who oppose them – political prisoners and land and water activists face upcoming trials and, if convicted, years in prison. In addition those who ordered the assassination of Berta Caceres have still not been brought to trial. Only one of these intellectual authors has been charged. The rest remain at large as are the perpetrators of the 2019 murders of Garifuna leaders.

As the Honduran people struggle to survive and save their communities and country, the governments of the US and Canada keep supporting the destruction of Honduras’ environment, local economies, and social fabric. On January 9, Chad Wolf, the Acting Chief of the US Homeland Security Department visited Honduras and met with JOH  for a bilateral meeting on regional migration and security calling Honduras a strong partner in the region and saying the US looks forward to continuing joint progress in the region. 

The on-going obsession of the US to establish Safe Third Country migratory agreements with the Honduran government is one more clear example of its support for a corrupt narco regime that is already incapable of providing basic living conditions and security to its own citizens. 

The Honduras Solidarity Network in the US and Canada is building opposition and action against the US and Canadian policies and working  to  strengthen solidarity and support for the Honduran people and their movements. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more actions and information.

2 años de Narco-dictadura en Honduras 

El 27 de enero de 2018, en medio de protestas masivas y represión violenta, el presidente Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) fue inconstitucionalmente instaurado como presidente por segunda ocasión después de haber robado las elecciones de noviembre de 2017. Durante estos dos años, el régimen de JOH ha seguido construyendo su narco-dictadura neoliberal con el apoyo de los gobiernos de los EE. UU. y Canadá.

¿Qué ha significado esto para el pueblo hondureño?

– más caravanas masivas de refugiados que huyen del país;

– más pequeños agricultores y comunidades indígenas desplazadas;

– mayor criminalización / encarcelamiento de quienes protestan contra la corrupción y la impunidad; y

– más periodistas, líderes indígenas, defensores de los derechos humanos y del medio ambiente atacados y asesinados.

Estados Unidos y Canadá han continuado sus actividades habituales con Honduras, mientras que Hernández y el Partido Nacional utilizan el Congreso y los tribunales hondureños para perpetuar la impunidad por crímenes cometidos por funcionarios gubernamentales y oligarcas económicos que se benefician tanto del tráfico de drogas como de megaproyectos transnacionales, como lo son las represas.

Ahora, apenas entrado el 2020, la dictadura hondureña despidió al organismo internacional anticorrupción, la Misión de Apoyo Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad en Honduras (MACCIH). Los resultados de sólo una de las investigaciones de MACCIH en 2019, “Pandora”, revelaron que 38 funcionarios gubernamentales desviaron fondos públicos destinados a programas de bienestar social hacia campañas electorales. El hermano de JOH, Tony Hernández, pronto recibirá su sentencia carcelaria por parte de un tribunal federal de los Estados Unidos después de haber sido declarado culpable de dirigir una operación de tráfico de cocaína a gran escala en Honduras. JOH fue nombrado co-conspirador en el juicio de su hermano, junto con otros políticos hondureños de alto rango y funcionarios gubernamentales entre los que se incluyen al Fiscal General de Honduras. El juicio también demostró la participación y complicidad de las fuerzas de seguridad hondureñas, financiadas por los EE. UU. en la protección de las rutas del narcotráfico; sin embargo, el apoyo estadounidense al régimen de JOH continúa.

Mientras JOH y sus amigos continúan saqueando impunemente, quienes se oponen a ellos – los presos políticos y los defensores de la tierra y el agua pronto serán enjuiciados y, de ser condenados, podrían enfrentar varios años en prisión. Asimismo, quienes ordenaron el asesinato de Berta Cáceres aún no han sido llevados ante la justicia. Solo uno de los autores intelectuales ha sido acusado. El resto sigue en libertad, al igual que los autores intelectuales de los asesinatos de líderes garífunas en 2019.

Mientras el pueblo hondureño lucha por sobrevivir, salvar sus comunidades y a su país, los gobiernos de los EE. UU. y Canadá siguen apoyando la destrucción del medio ambiente, las economías locales y el tejido social de Honduras. El 9 de enero, Chad Wolf, jefe interino del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los EE. UU. visitó Honduras y durante una reunión bilateral sobre migración y seguridad regional en la que participó JOH, calificó a Honduras como un socio fuerte en la región y agregó que los EE. UU. esperan continuar con el progreso conjunto Centroamérica.

La continua obsesión de los EE. UU. de establecer acuerdos migratorios de Tercer País Seguro con el gobierno hondureño es el ejemplo más claro del apoyo a un régimen narco-corrupto que ya no es capaz de proporcionar condiciones básicas de vida y seguridad a sus propios ciudadanos.

La Red de Solidaridad con Honduras en Estados Unidos y Canadá se mantiene en oposición a las políticas estadounidenses y canadienses en Honduras y continúa su trabajo para fortalecer la solidaridad y el apoyo al pueblo hondureño y sus movimientos. Síganos en Facebook y Twitter para obtener más acciones e información.


Support the HSN!


Dear friends of the Honduras Solidarity Network, 

2019 marked the 10th anniversary of the US-backed coup d’état and the beginning of a ruthless neoliberal dictatorship in Honduras. Now under Juan Orlando Hernández’s (JOH) regime, we have seen how the consolidated power of a US and Canada-backed narco-dictatorship has destroyed democracy, the environment, and living conditions for the Honduran people. 

To violence, repression, and impunity, we respond with solidarity. The Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) was founded not long after the 2009 coup and has been an active witness to the 10 years of the people’s resistance as we accompany the Honduran movements and organizations and fight against the policies of the United States and Canada in the region. The HSN has 29 member organizations and we are still standing strong with the Honduran people in the face of continued US and Canadian government support for dictatorship.  

Our solidarity work is only possible because of your support. The US and the world need and deserve to know about the negative impacts of US and Canadian interests in Honduras. 

Help us get the word out. Support HSN today!

Member organizations and our coordinators Karen Spring (based in Honduras) and Vicki Cervantes (based in the US) led delegations from Canada and the US to support political prisoners, indigenous organizations, campesino communities, and to work with Honduran human rights organizations. Our coordinators have spoken at public events and with press and academics in Honduras, the US, and Canada. The HSN has also provided support to lawyers fighting asylum cases in US courts for Hondurans fleeing political persecution. 

In the fall 2019, Karen Spring traveled to New York to document and publish daily updates about the trial of Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernández, JOH’s brother. Karen’s writing and HSN’s work helped to expose the structure of the narco-state ruling Honduras as well as the connection between neoliberal “development” projects and drug trafficking networks. 

Karen also visited Washington DC to pressure US officials about the condition of the Honduran political prisoners and human rights issues in general. She also met frequently with Canadian authorities and international organizations to discuss the human rights violations committed in the context of the 2017 electoral crisis. The HSN’s efforts with other internationals in collaboration with work led by Honduran organizations achieved the release of over 20 political prisoners from pre-trial detention in military-controlled prisons. The HSN continues to provide legal support and accompaniment to all of these cases. 

Also in 2019, the HSN assisted Honduran community groups to access over $15,000 in international funds that go directly to the grassroots, to the people that most need the funding and support. Maintaining a HSN coordinator in Honduras allows key information and research to reach U.S. and Canadian organizations and governments and provides strategic support for Honduran communities and organizations. For example, when activists are kidnapped by Honduran security forces, HSN is also part of an emergency response through information sharing and phone calls to authorities. 

The HSN published numerous declarations and organized international social media days of action, email actions, and urgent phone actions in support of the Honduran movements. These included actions against US and Canadian support for dictatorship on the 10th anniversary of the coup; support of the campaign for justice for Berta Caceres, the Berta Caceres Human RIghts in Honduras Act – H.R. 1945, and against the assassinations of members of the Garifuna community and the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH). The HSN continues to be a part of the fight for the complete freedom of all political prisoners and an end to the criminalization of protest. 

Will you help us with this important work by making a tax-deductible contribution to HSN?



English Declaration Here

¡Juan Orlando Hernández se debe de  ir!

¡Alto al apoyo estadounidense y canadiense a la narco-dictadura en Honduras!

¡La narco-dictadura de Honduras instalada a través de un golpe respaldado por los Estados Unidos se DEBE DE IR! Durante diez años, desde el Golpe de Estado respaldado por los Estados Unidos en junio de 2009, las crisis del estado de derecho, constitucional y democrática se han profundizado a medida que una dictadura neoliberal, abiertamente criminal, ha hundido sus dientes en Honduras.

El golpe de Estado de 2009, las elecciones fraudulentas posteriores, la corrupción oficial, y la impunidad y violencia del estado hondureño en contra de su pueblo son razones suficientes para pedir el fin del régimen. Ahora, la exposición pública de las profundidades de la actividad criminal y la narco-perversión de todo el estado de Honduras por parte de la dictadura confirma lo que muchos hondureños han denunciado durante años.

Los detalles están surgiendo en un tribunal federal estadounidense en la ciudad de Nueva York, donde Tony Hernández, hermano del actual presidente hondureño Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH), está siendo juzgado a partir del 2 de octubre. Los testimonios contra Tony Hernández en los primeros días del juicio incluyen información de que narcotraficantes, incluido el mexicano Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, donaron $4 millones a las campañas presidenciales de los candidatos del Partido Nacional, Pepe Lobo y Juan Orlando Hernández. Pepe Lobo llegó al poder a través de las elecciones fraudulentas de noviembre de 2009, que simplemente tenían como objetivo disimular el ilegal golpe de estado de ese año. 

JOH asumió el poder en 2013 (el año en que recibió la “donación” de El Chapo) después de elecciones muy cuestionadas y luego se declaró ganador en una elección abiertamente fraudulenta en 2017. Más allá del dinero, la evidencia presentada demuestra que Tony Hernández también estuvo directamente involucrado en asesinatos. Todos estos crímenes nunca fueron procesados ​​en Honduras. Los testigos involucrados en los crímenes incluso declararon que sabían que cualquier investigación en Honduras sería bloqueada por el gobierno hondureño. Mientras tanto, el sistema de justicia hondureño se enfoca en arrestar y encarcelar a personas que participan en protestas contra el narco-dictador, en pequeños agricultores que recuperan tierras, y en comunidades indígenas que protegen la tierra y el agua de la minería y otras industrias de extracción.

A lo largo de la historia posterior al golpe, las administraciones demócratas y republicanas en los EEUU y distintas administraciones en canadienses han alterado la democracia hondureña y apoyado la dictadura al mismo tiempo que promueven diligentemente los intereses de las grandes corporaciones dedicadas a la explotación de mano de obra y recursos en Honduras. Al hacerlo, han ayudado en el robo de vidas, de propiedades, las libertades y los derechos del pueblo hondureño.

La Red de Solidaridad con Honduras (HSN en inglés) respalda las demanda del pueblo hondureño y de sus organizaciones que exigen la inmediata dimisión de JOH y que se le responsabilice de todos los crímenes que él y su gobierno han cometido. Los hondureños quieren un proceso para

renovar la democracia y la constitucionalidad que involucre a los movimientos sociales, a los partidos políticos de oposición y la sociedad en su conjunto, y trabaja en solucionar la destrucción económica, social y política que ha tenido lugar desde el golpe de 2009. ¡Esto significa que el apoyo a la dictadura de Canadá y Estados Unidos debe terminar ahora!

13 de Octubre 2019 

La coordinadora de la Red de Solidaridad de Honduras, Karen Spring, observará el juicio de Tony Hernández en la ciudad de Nueva York y publicará informes en Honduras Solidarity Network en Facebook, en twitter como @HondurasSol y en el blog Aquí Abajo.


 10 Years After the Coup

June 28, 2009 – June 28, 2019

Declaracion en espa~nol

Statement from the Honduras Solidarity Network

Right now, Hondurans in the cities and countryside are still in nonviolent resistance to the continuation of the June 28, 2009, coup. Under the regime of Juan Orlando Hernández, the economic and political crisis has deepened. Since the coup poverty has increased by at least 10%, schools have been closed and the health care system nearly destroyed by outright theft of public funds and privatization. Violence by government security forces and death squad type groups have killed hundreds since 2009 and that political violence has increased again since the 2017 election fraud, when the current president Hernández was re-elected against the constitution and Honduran democracy. Criminal violence has also increased with the destruction of the rule of law and the growth of a narco-state. 

On June 28, 2009: Only hours before a scheduled non-binding national referendum on beginning the process of a constituent assembly to rewrite the Honduran Constitution, a coup d’etat, led by the right-wing Honduran oligarchy, its ultra-conservative, corrupt politicians, and the military command, sent  the military and police to arrest elected President Manuel Zelaya Rosales. Zelaya had moved away from dependency on the US economically and militarily, and aligned himself with progressive governments in South America. He implemented or proposed reforms to the minimum wage, access to land for small farmers, women’s reproductive rights and LGBTQ rights.  The United States under President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton refused to support the restoration of President Zelaya and democracy in Honduras. Since then, the main economic and political support for the continuing dictatorship is from the US government, the Canadian Government and business interests. 

In May, protests became bigger across Honduras in reaction to a new law that would have further decimated the public education and public health sectors. Teachers unions and Health Care unions began national strikes that were then supported by the majority of Honduran people and other organizations. At this time, there has been more than 40 days of non-violent massive protests and road takeovers, as well as civil dialogue assemblies defending public health and education and demanding that Juan Orlando and his regime leave power. Protests continue despite a violent repression from police and military with at least 5 people killed since May. 

It is no surprise that the economic and political crisis in Honduras means that migration has turned into a flow of refugees fleeing an unlivable situation. The reaction of the U.S. government and the Honduran government has been to blame the refugees, to accuse humanitarian and journalist accompaniment of being “traffickers”, to increase border militarization and try to make the problem belong to Mexico, Guatemala or El Salvador. The US is blatantly violating its own regulations, as well as international law in its separation of families, child detentions, negation of legal and human rights  and ongoing violence against migrants and refugees. As long as the crisis continues in Honduras, refugees will flee. 

The Honduras Solidarity Network in North America was founded almost 10 years ago in order to articulate actions in solidarity with Hondurans resisting interventionist policies in defense of life and its sovereignty. Today, 30 organizations from the United States and Canada stand with the Honduran people in demanding that the US and Canada stop supporting dictatorship and militarization in Honduras.


Honduras 10 Years After the Coup – The Uprising You Are Not Hearing About

For 10 years, Hondurans have maintained a powerful resistance to demand real democracy, community based and driven development and a “refounding of the country. Today, Teachers and Health Care workers have ignited the latest upsurge as they refuse to accept the regime’s dismantling of public education and health care. Join HSN in this webinar to find out the latest news on this uprising that is not being covered in mainstream media. Learn about the support the Honduran dictatorship gets from the US and Canada and how you can support the Honduran People.

Register Here for a free Webinar on June 19th at 5:30pm Pacific, 6:30 Mountain, 7:30 Central and 8:30 Eastern.


Press Release: June 6, 2019


A human rights delegation organized by HSN members and others was in Honduras at the time of the tire burning at the US Embassy and massive protests against the Honduran government and issued this press release about criminalization and intimidation of protest. For the link to the original press release and more information go to the organization Cross Borders                                                                                          

For immediate release June 6, 2019                                                                                                                    



A group of fifteen American and Canadian citizens traveled to Honduras this past week to investigate why thousands of Hondurans are fleeing their home country. On Friday June 1st, we met with U.S. Embassy representatives Dana Deree – Consul General and Acting Charge’ d’Affaires, and Nate Rettenmayer – Human Rights and Migration Officer, on the topic of migration and ongoing human rights abuses.

During our meeting, protesters outside the embassy set fire to a stack of tires at the entrance of the building.The embassy went into full alert. Sirens blared and speakers bellowed: “Duck and cover!” Our delegation was required to remain in the conference room, then the hall, until we were escorted out by a helmeted soldier. At no time, however, did any of us feel that we were in any danger. When we emerged, we found our Honduran friend who was waiting for us with eyes were streaming from tear gas and three kinds of Honduran police.

Subsequently the Consular Section cancelled all visa interviews for a week, stating it was “Due to the damage done by these criminals.” Almost immediately, the Honduran government arrested Rommel Valdemar Herrera Portillo, a 23-year-old activist, son of two teachers, and charged him with aggravated arson and property damage and shipped him off to the La Tolva maximum security prison.

As U.S. and Canadian citizens, we are appalled, and we protest. First because it now appears the whole incident was a setup. Unknown agents diverted a march headed for a Honduran human rights office to the embassy grounds where unknown parties had

conveniently positioned the tires. Second the La Tolva prison is a U.S.-style hellhole where political prisoners Edwin Espinal and Raul Alvarez, are awaiting trial since January 2018 for property damage caused during a demonstration against electoral fraud. They, along with Herrera now are housed alongside convicted violent criminals. On a visit the previous day to La Tolva we witnessed multiple instances of cruel and unusual punishment. Third, we can’t help but notice that the U.S. refused to protect the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C. from attacks by the Juan Guaido forces, thus violating both Venezuelan sovereignty and the Vienna Convention. However, in Tegucigalpa the Embassy’s own private security forces lounged in the courtyard at a picnic table inside while Honduran police conveniently absented themselves on the outside just as the demonstrators were tricked into marching to the Embassy. Yet the Embassy issues a statement calling protesters criminals for throwing tires on a fire set by provocateurs.

Surely we don’t like or approve of property damage, but we are concerned that protesters involved in damaging property get prosecuted while police and military who kill protesters don’t even get investigated. We think using live ammunition to shoot down dozens of protestors in the streets, as the Hernandez government did after the 2017 election fraud, and throwing them away into inhumane prisons is far worse than burning some tires, and we expect our government to think so too and do something about it.


Protests are growing nation-wide against the privatization of healthcare and education and the increasing illegitimacy of the Juan Orlando Hernandez regime. As our group traveled from San Pedro Sula in the North to near Danli in the Southeast we saw marches, highway blockages, and burning tires just about everywhere we went. Honduras is increasingly torn apart by a government that provides not a shred of public accountability and is corrupt from the Presidency down to small town mayors. In our investigation we found not, as President Trump declares, that criminals are leaving Honduras for the U.S. Rather, that people leave so that they will not be forced to become criminals or be killed for refusing. Youth, like Herrera, protest the injustice and are criminalized in a system that no longer offers them any future.

In the privatization standoff, the U.S. is calling for dialogue with military assassins and drug traffickers. Last week the New York Times reported that President Hernandez is under investigation for drug trafficking as his brother awaits trial for the same. People are fleeing for their lives but Consul Deree said a major reason they leave is “climate change.” We wonder if Trump would agree.

The Cross Border Network is a Kansas City based non-profit that supports human rights of immigrants and across borders.


Enough is Enough! Stop all US and Canadian support for dictatorship in Honduras.

El español sigue el ingles

May 31, 2019    EMERGENCY ACTION

Enough is Enough! Stop all US and Canadian support for dictatorship in Honduras. Support the Honduran people in resistance!

Call and/or email your Congress Representative, Senator or Parliamentarian today (May 31). Tell them to take a position against the human rights violations in Honduras and against US/Canadian funding and support for Honduran security forces that are being used against the people. 

Click for Info on Senators Click for House of RepresentativesClick for Canadian Parliament  members 

Thousands of Hondurans are in the streets to respond the call for a two day national action and strike for May 30-31 to defend public education and public health in the face of new attacks on public services by Juan Orlando Hernández’s regime.  The response of the US/Canadian supported Honduran government to the protests that covered the entire country has been repression and death. On May 30, 3 people were killed in Choloma and 3 others in Guanacaste. In Siguatepeque, professor Carlos Alfonso was wounded by live bullets shot by Honduran police: he lost his right kidney as consequence of the attack. In the same way, dozens of human rights observers and journalist denounced attacks by security forces. 

The protests are a non-violent uprising of the people against the dictatorship. The marches, highway take-overs in rural areas, occupations of public schools by parents and students, mobilizations of teacher and health care workers unions, campesinos, indigenous communities, taxi drivers and university students are being met with violence, tear gas and live ammunition from the US-imposed and Canadian-supported dictatorship. The night before the national strike, a teacher was assassinated in his home by a death squad. 

Demonstrations will continue on May 31 despite the violence increased since the recent electoral crisis of November 2017, when JOH was imposed through fraud and violence. While more than 20 people and at least 15 journalists have been killed by security forces and death squads, and while Juan Orlando himself and his brother have been either charged or are under investigation for being part of narcotic cartels, we say enough is enough! We demand a stop of all US and Canadian support for dictatorship in Honduras. 

Support the Honduran people in resistance. Call your Congressperson, Senator or Parliamentarian today (May 31). 

Click for Info on Senators  Click for House of Representatives   

Click for Canadian Parliament members 

!Ya Basta!  Alto a todo el apoyo estadounidense y canadiense a la dictadura en Honduras. ¡Apoya al pueblo hondureño en resistencia!

Acción: Llame y / o envíe un correo electrónico a su Representante del Congreso, Senador o Parlamentario hoy (31 de mayo). Dígales que tomen una posición contra las violaciones de los derechos humanos en Honduras y contra el financiamiento y apoyo de Estados Unidos / Canadá para las fuerzas de seguridad hondureñas que están siendo utilizadas contra el pueblo.

Miles de hondureños se encuentran en las calles para responder al llamado para una acción nacional de dos días del 30 al 31 de mayo para defender la educación pública y la salud pública ante los nuevos ataques a los servicios públicos por parte del régimen de Juan Orlando Hernández. La respuesta del gobierno hondureño apoyado por Estados Unidos y Canadá ante las protestas que cubrieron todo el país ha sido la represión y la muerte. El 30 de mayo, 3 personas fueron asesinadas en Choloma y otras 3 en Guanacaste por agentes del gobierno. En Siguatepeque, el profesor Carlos Alfonso fue herido por balas reales disparadas por la policía hondureña: perdió su riñón derecho como consecuencia del ataque. Del mismo modo, decenas de observadores de derechos humanos y periodistas denunciaron los ataques de las fuerzas de seguridad.

Las protestas son un levantamiento no-violento del pueblo contra la dictadura. Las marchas, las tomas de carreteras en áreas rurales, las ocupaciones de escuelas públicas por padres y estudiantes, las movilizaciones de los sindicatos de los maestros y de los trabajadores de la salud, los campesinos, las comunidades indígenas, los taxistas y los estudiantes universitarios se enfrentan con violencia, gases lacrimógenos y balas vivas, de la dictadura impuesta por Estados Unidos y apoyada por Canadá. La noche antes de la huelga nacional, un maestro fue asesinado en su casa por un escuadrón de la muerte.

Las manifestaciones continuarán el 31 de mayo a pesar de que la violencia gubernamental ha aumentado desde la reciente crisis electoral de noviembre de 2017, cuando JOH se impuso por fraude y violencia. Desde entonces más de 20 personas y al menos 15 periodistas han sido asesinados por las fuerzas de seguridad y los escuadrones de la muerte. Ademas, el mismo Juan Orlando y su hermano han sido acusados ​​o están bajo investigación por ser parte de cárteles del narcotráfico, ¡decimos que ya basta! Exigimos que se detenga todo el apoyo estadounidense y canadiense a la dictadura en Honduras.


¡Alto a la violencia y criminalización contra las comunidades campesinas!

17 de Abril – Día Internacional  de la Lucha Campesina

English follows the Spanish

Desde la Red de Solidaridad con Honduras expresamos nuestra más profunda preocupación y total rechazo a la más reciente ola de violencia y violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en contra de los grupos campesinos afiliados a la Central Nacional de los Trabajadores del Campo – CNTC en la zona de San Pedro de Tutule, La Paz, el domingo 14 de abril. 

De los informes que recibimos destacamos:

– El grupo Nueva Alianza, en el sector de Concepción de Soluteca,y el grupo5 de Abril, del sector del Matazano en Tutule, fueron atacados por elementos policiales y grupos paramilitares de hombres vestidos de civil fuertemente armados. Balas vivas y gases lacrimógenos fueron usados en contra de campesinos desarmados y en sus propios tierras. Para salvar sus vidas, varios integrantes de las comunidades tuvieron que esconderse toda la noche en las montañas. Muchas personas más resultaron heridas por golpes y con problemas de respiración a consecuencia de los gases.

– Desde el domingo 14 de abril, dos líderes campesinos de la CNTC en La Paz han recibido serias amenazas de muerte: Sebastian Reyes, secretario general de la CNTC en la región de La Paz, y Luis Calis, miembro de la Junta Directiva Nacional de la CNTC y reconocido líder de las comunidades campesinas y lencas en la región.

Testigos advierten que en el caso de Nueva Alianza, el señor Felipe Santos es responsable del conflicto con los campesinos. En el caso del grupo 5 de Abril, el señor Manuel Iván Fiallos es quien ha generado conflicto por la tierra. Ninguno de los dos ha podido mostrar documentos que respalden su posesión de las tierras ante los campesinos. De acuerdo a testimonios, los dos son gente con influencia política y con la policía. Particularmente, el señor Fiallos fue diputado en el Congreso Nacional. Tanto Santos como Fiallos están relacionados con el señor José Herminio Ortiz, quien es reconocido por su manejo de un grupo en La Paz que actúa violentamente en contra de los campesinos.

En el marco  del Día Internacional de la Lucha Campesina el 17 de Abril, también denunciamos la criminalización de la lucha por la tierra en Honduras. Además de los ataques y desalojos violentos, acompañados de la destrucción de sembradíos y viviendas, el resultado de la criminalización se ha reflejado en el asesinato de varios campesinos y el procesamiento legal de 3 mil campesinos en todo Honduras, de los cuales 2 mil son miembros de los grupos de la CNTC ubicados en 14 departamentos del país. En verdad hay una guerra en contra de quienes luchan por defender la tierra y la vida. 

Desde la Red de Solidaridad con Honduras y demás grupos aliados queremos dejar en claro que la CNTC y la población campesina hondureña no están solas. Nuestra voz es parte de una amplia red que trabaja en su defensa y que denuncia firmemente los actos de violencia en contra de comunidades campesinas y rechaza las amenazas de muerte en contra de Luis Calis y Sebastián Reyes. Denunciamos la colaboración entre los poderes regionales, la  policía y los grupos paramilitares en la violencia y amenazas en contra de las comunidades Nueva Alianza, 5 de Abril, y todas las comunidades campesinas afiliadas a la CNTC. Responsabilizamos a las autoridades municipales, departamentales y nacionales de cualquier amenaza y ataque en contra de los lìderes campesinos Luis Calis y Sebastián Reyes.

La Red de Solidaridad con Honduras (HSN) 

La Red de Solidaridad con Honduras en Norte América esta compuesta de 30 organizaciones en los EEUU y Canada. 

17 de Abril 2017 

April 17 – International Day of Campesino Struggle

Stop the violence and criminalization against campesino communities!

The Honduras Solidarity Network declares our deep concern and complete condemnation of the most recent wave of violence and human rights violations against campesino groups affiliated with the National Center of Rural Workers (Central Nacional de los Trabajadores del Campo – CNTC) in the San Pedro de Tutule area of La Paz on Sunday, April 14. 

We highlight the following points from the reports we have received:

  • The campesino group Nueva Alianza in Concepción de Soluteca area and the campesino group 5 de Mayo in the Matazano area of Tutule were attacked by police and paramilitary groups (heavily armed men in civilian clothes). Live ammunition and tear gas was used against the unarmed campesinos on their own land. To save their lives, some of the community members had to hide in the mountains all night. Many persons were injured by beatings and suffered respiratory problems as a result of the tear gas. 
  • Since Sunday, Abril 14, two campesino leaders from the CNTC in La Paz have received serious death threats: Sebastian Reyes, General Secretary of the CNTC for the La Paz region and Luis Calis, member of the National Executive Board of the CNTC and a renowned leader in the campesino and Lenca indigenous communities in the region. 

Witnesses say that in the case of Nueva Alianza, a man named Felipe Santos is responsible for the conflict with the campesinos. In the case of the 5 de Abril group, it is Manuel Iván Fiallos who has created the conflict over the land. Neither person has been able to show any documents that support their claim to ownership of the land. According to testimonies, both are people with political influence and influence with the police. Mr. Fiallo, in particular, was a representative in the National Congress of Honduras. Both Santo and Fiallos are linked to José Herminio Ortiz who is known for running a group that carries out violence against the campesinos in La Paz.

On the occasion of the International Day of Campesino Struggle on April 17, we also denounce the criminalization of the struggle for land in Honduras. Besides the violent attacks and evictions that include the destruction of crops and housing, criminalization  is reflected in the assassination of numerous campesinos and the criminal prosecution of 3 thousand  campesinos in all of Honduras of which 2 thousand are members of CNTC groups located in 14 provinces in the country. Truly there is a war against those who struggle to defend land and life.

The Honduras Solidarity Network and allied groups want to make clear that the CNTC and the Honduran campesino population are not alone. Our voices are part of a broad network that works in their defense and strongly denounces acts of violence against the campesino communities and the death threats against Luis Calis and Sebstián Reyes.  We denounce the collaboration of the regional elites, the police and the paramilitary groups in the violence and threats against the communities of Nueva Alianza, 5 de Abril, and all of the communities affiliated to the CNTC. We hold the municipal, provincial and national authorities responsible for any attacks against the campesino leaders, Luis Calis and Sebastián Reyes. 

Honduras Solidarity Network in North America

April 17, 2019

The Honduras Solidarity Network is made up of 30 organizations in the US and Canada. 


Support HSN Today

December 2018                                      Donations can be made online HERE. 

Dear Friends, 

As you know, it has been another hard year in Honduras. 

From the human rights crisis generated by the 2017 electoral fraud to the refugee caravan fleeing neoliberal policies and the on-going national crisis sparked by the 2009 military coup, the Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN)’s work has remained steady, strong, effective, (hard) and inspiring. 

In 2018, the HSN was proud to be a major part of the international campaigning to free political prisoners in Honduras. Together with our Honduran partners and allies, 

 the HSN played a role in freeing 28 political prisoners from pre-trial imprisonment over the course of this year despite the difficult political, economic and social conditions under the dictatorship of the Juan Orlando Hernandez government. This campaign continues to demand the release of the remaining political prisoners. Our participation in the political prisoner campaign flows out of the HSN’s work since the fraudulent elections of 2017 as we  also educate the public and elected officials on the consequences of US and Canadian support for the post-coup dictatorship.  

November 2017 Election Crisis

Our in-country coordinator, Karen Spring and our US-based coordinator, Vicki Cervantes and the 30+ organizations that are part of the HSN, carried out the following (and much more) human rights and solidarity work this year: 

  • Continued organizing around the demand that the US stop funding repression in Honduras and that the US and Canada end military/police aid and other support for a corrupt, anti-democratic regime. 
  • Organized two trips to both Washington D.C. and Ottawa, Canada to speak with the State Department, US Congressional reps and Senators, Members of Parliament, and various NGOs and solidarity activists.
  • Participated and coordinated a press conference and theatrical protest action with various Canadian NGOs on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada 
  • Accompanied the Berta Caceres’ trial in Tegucigalpa and used social media and press  to share the facts of the case and the family’s exposure of the government’s refusal to investigate and prosecute the intellectual authors of the assassination of Berta. 
  • Led international campaign actions demanding freedom of Honduran political prisoners & justice for over 35 people killed in the post electoral crisis.
  • Posted daily on Facebook and Twitter about urgent actions, information about refugee caravan and moment-to-moment updates about post-electoral crisis, protests, and repression. 
  • Organized four webinars to provide information and analysis on the post-electoral crisis, political prisoners and the refugee exodus. 
  • Provided in-country assistance to international journalists, researchers, and academics. 
  • Provided assistance on asylum cases for Honduran activists fleeing repression.
  • Coordinated and led two delegations to Honduras to provide accompaniment for communities and organizations at risk and create people to people solidarity.  
  • Provided emergency financial support for families of victims and the injured from electoral crisis, and community  leaders fleeing persecution and state-led violence. 
  • Created and strengthened  existing ties with European Honduran solidarity groups to build international support for the Honduran people.   
April 2018 Delegation 

The Honduran people won’t give up opposition to dictatorship and the HSN won’t ever give up supporting the demands of the Honduran social movement through solidarity efforts, in-country accompaniment, documentation, research, campaigning and educating the U.S. and Canadian population about the role of North American policies in generating the root causes of the refugee caravan and the human rights crisis in the country.  

The HSN was able to do all of this work with only one paid staff member, our Honduras-based Coordinator. Your support keeps us going. Please consider donating to the HSN in 2019. 

Donations can be made online HERE. 

We hope to see you in Honduras on our next solidarity delegation! 

In Solidarity,

Karen Spring, In-Country Coordinator

Vicki Cervantes, US Coordinator

Honduras Solidarity Network HSN

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